• July 31, 2015


    QSC凭借Q-SYS™ Core 110f DSP设备斩获最佳奖项

    QSC Awarded Best In Show For Q-SYS™ Core 110f DSP Appliance QSC recognized for its latest powerful software-based networked audio DSP solution, Q-SYS™ Core 110f DSP Appliance to meet the audio processing needs of the corporate AV market. Costa Mesa, CA, July 31, 2015 —QSC, a leading manufacturer of digital signal processing, networked signal transport, audio/video control systems, power amplifiers, and loudspeaker products for nearly five decades, is honored to announce it has received a “2015 InfoComm Best of Show Award” for its Q-SYS™ Core 110f Appliance from New Bay Media publication Sound & Video Contractor. Q-SYS Core 110f was selected from a large number of entries following a comprehensive testing and review by Sound & Video Contractor judges on the floor at InfoComm 2015. The judges included industry experts, AV designers, integrators, and end users. The…

  • July 21, 2015


    QSC Cinema再获殊荣

    在得克萨斯州奥斯丁市举行的国际影院技术协会(ICTA)夏季商务会刚刚落幕,Barry Ferrell、Mark Mayfield和Danny Pickett载誉而归, QSC Cinema获得了ICTA年度制造商奖“Teddy奖”。这是QSC第二次荣获这一荣誉。这个奖是由影院经销商票选出来的,具有非凡的意义。质量、交付和服务是QSC胜出的关键。在这次会议上, Barry Ferrell卸任董事会成员。Mark Merfeld加入董事会,任期3年。

  • June 30, 2015



    赛事公关公司Show Hire在今年三菱汽车赞助伯明顿马术比赛上使用了QSC Q-SYS音频网络系统。这套Q-SYS系统由英国经销商Shure Distribution UK提供,采用了Core 500i处理器、PS-1600寻呼台和多个I/O Frame接口箱,用于在1500英亩的场地内传输和控制公共广播音频。Show Hire活动经理Ross Slaughter解释说:“几年来,我们一直负责伯明顿场馆的公共广播系统,直到今年,我们还一直在使用模拟设备,通过铜线分发音频信号。我们在去年的法恩堡国际航空展上成功安装了Q-SYS,我们认为伯明顿马术赛场的音响系统也应该迈入数字时代了。”Show Hire在这项工作中得到了伯明顿马术比赛组织者的帮助……

  • June 19, 2015


    rAVe RADIO就Core110f进行专访

    rAVe RADIO Interview with QSC Product Manager TJ Adams on the new Q-SYS Core100f Processor <iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/28nQl-uY4iI" frameborder="0" width="560" height="315"></iframe> Click here for more on QSC at Infocomm 2015.

  • June 10, 2015



    重要提醒:请更新DPA系列功放和Q-SYS Core的固件 DPA和DPA-Q系列功放是功放技术的革命性进步。与所有由软件控制的电子产品一样,强烈建议您定期检查软件和固件是否为最新版本。这将确保您可以使用最新功能,并避免出现任何“错误”或其他操作异常情况,从而避免造成问题。针对DPA-Q系列网络功放 有两个软件工具可用于更新DPA功放:Amplifier Navigator和Amp Restore Utility。Amplifier Navigator可将功放的固件更新到最新版本,并保留所有用户定义的预设(共50个)。Amp Restore Utility可将把固件映像恢复到出厂默认值。这意味着在固件映像恢复过程中,所有用户定义的预设(共50个)都将被清除......

  • June 2, 2015


    QSC推出Q-SYS™ Core 110f DSP产品

    QSC总部,加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨 — QSC宣布推出Q-SYS Core 110f。QSC是数字信号处理、网络信号传输、音频/视频控制系统、功放和扬声器产品领域的领先制造商,成立至今已经有近五十年。Q-SYS Core 110f是Q-SYS网络音频解决方案系列中的最新产品,这些解决方案基于英特尔的现代技术和Linux实时操作系统。体型小巧的全新Core 110f为企业音视频市场提供了功能强大但经济实惠的基于软件的音频处理产品。QSC总裁兼首席执行官Joe Pham说:“Q-SYS产品将重新塑造QSC并促进音视频和IT的融合。Q-SYS Core 110f可以为董事会会议室、会议室和其他企业空间提供无缝协作体验,让企业可以专注于解决重要的问题,不需要......

  • June 2, 2015


    QSC全新TSC-7t PoE桌面触屏产品

    QSC总部,加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨 — QSC宣布推出全新TSC-7t PoE桌面触屏产品。QSC是数字信号处理、网络信号传输、音频/视频控制系统、功放和扬声器产品领域的领先制造商,成立至今已经有近五十年。TSC-7t桌面触屏产品可用于任意Q-SYS™联网音频解决方案,包括最新的Core 110f。TSC-7t是可以作为一个优雅的电话拔号器,同时还可用于通过Core处理器(无需额外的控制处理器盒)控制董事会会议室和会议室中常见的各种第三方设备。此外, TSC-7t可以满足常见的BYOD(自带设备)需求。如果参会者在自己的设备上运行UC或网络会议应用,他们可以使用USB接口轻松将2分频音频从该设备连接到Q-SYS系统。

  • June 2, 2015



    QSC总部,加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨 — QSC宣布推出SPA功放系列。QSC是数字信号处理、数字信号传输、计算机控制系统、功放和扬声器产品领域的领先制造商,成立至今已经有近五十年。QSC开发了一系列功能强大但经济实惠的功放系列,可以满足董事会会议室、会议室和其他使用多个扬声器的企业空间对功放的要求。公司总裁兼首席执行官Joe Pham表示:“我们很高兴能够满足忠诚客户对功放解决方案的需求,将我们的功放解决方案带到董事会会议室,让他们的现场活动体验尽善尽美。我们的SPA功放系列符合能源之星标准,提供了两种功放解决方案,可供集成商灵活选择。SPA2-60提供了两个低阻抗输出通道,阻抗为4Ω或8Ω,但它可以桥接以提供70V或…

  • June 1, 2015



    这篇文章最初发表在Film Journal International上,探索了如何将CinemaCon上的一个可容纳4000个座位的表演场馆打造为世界最大的电影院。

  • May 19, 2015



    在业内最大的贸易盛会CinemaCon开幕前,QSC影院产品部于4月21日在拉斯维加斯举办了经销商大会。尽管时间很早,但还是有来自全球24个国家的近100名经销商参加了这次活动。Barry Ferrell、Danny Pickett和Mark Mayfield分享了产品和应用信息,以及营销和销售方面的最新信息。 

  • May 12, 2015


    QSC创始人Pat Quilter代表公司接受Parnelli Audio创新者奖

    Las Vegas, NV (May 11, 2015) - QSC is pleased to announce that QSC founder and current CEO of Quilter Labs, Pat Quilter will be the 2015 recipient of the Parnelli Audio Innovator Award. Since 2001, the Parnelli Awards have recognized and honored pioneering, influential professionals and their contributions both as individuals and companies in the Live Event Industry. Parnelli Award nominees and recipients are voted on by the Parnelli Board of Directors as well as subscribers to Projection, Lights & Staging News and Front of House magazines. The Parnelli Audio Innovator Honor is presented to Quilter for his decades of innovations in QSC power amplifier and powered loudspeaker design. His approach to technology and innovation have been key to the success of QSC amplifiers including the PowerLightTM and RMX Series amplifiers, as well as loudspeakers including the…

  • May 8, 2015


    QSC complete audio solution at Estonian Pavilion-EXPO Milano 2015

    Estonian company RGB Baltic installed a complete QSC audio system for the Estonian Pavillion at EXPO Milano 2015.  The Q-SYS controlled audio system includes a variety of Acoustic Design surface and flush mount installation loudspeakers: AD-S82-s and AD-S52-s for the ground floor, AD-C42T-s for the first floor and AD-S32T-s for the second floor, plus AD-Ci32-s for the restrooms. The loudspeakers are powered by CX an PL3 series amps over Dataport.  There is also a mobile PA system with TouchMix-16 mixers and K-Sub and K12 loudspeakers and monitors. The ground floor background music system is programmed to be used as a delay speaker system when there is a performance on the stage.  An iPad user interface provides all required control functions for the operator. Here is a gallery of the installation together with some shots of the user interface layouts.

  • April 29, 2015



    在德国队与格鲁吉亚队比赛前,格鲁吉亚第比利斯的Dynamo体育场需要对音响系统进行全面检修。PAXT Ltd与格鲁吉亚合作伙伴Mifasi合作,为体育场设计并调试了全套Q-SYS网络音频系统。与所有Q-SYS系统一样,这款系统支持大量通道并且具备近乎无限的音频处理和路由功能。PAXT Ltd产品和技术专家James Martin专门前往第比利斯,帮助他们对Q-SYS系统进行编程,并为Mifasi和体育场的工作人员提供现场支持和培训。音响操作人员现在可以使用专门根据他们需求定制的系统,并且可以从计算机或iPad上控制整个系统,还可以使用专门为他们定制的用户界面。Core处理器连接了主体育场的12个CXD4.5Q功放……

  • February 27, 2015


    适用于DPA功放的Amplifier Navigator Software

    Amplifier Navigator 2.0支持通过计算机(Mac和PC)控制和监控DPA*功放,并提供了在线和离线创建、编辑和存储预设和扬声器文件的机制。借助Amplifier Navigator软件,您可以远程控制和监控已连接的DPA功放的所有功能,包括通道配置、分频和参量均衡滤波器设置、限幅器调整,以及温度、电压和电流历史记录。它还提供了在PC或Mac上创建、存储和回放预设和扬声器配置文件的机制。预设和扬声器配置文件库也可以下载/上传到连接的功放,从而“克隆”功放,用于包含复制的功放的多功能机架。Amplifier Navigator V2.0还提供固件管理功能 - 将一至两个功放连接至运行Amplifier Navigator的计算机,即可将固件升级到最新版本......

  • February 26, 2015



    Costa Mesa, CA (February 26, 2015) - QSC is pleased to announce the addition of new loudspeaker models to their AcousticDesign™ and AcousticCoverage™ series loudspeaker product lines.  The AD-S4T is the latest addition to their popular AcousticDesign small format, loudspeaker line while the recently introduced and cost-effective AcousticCoverage line adds the AC-C6T in-ceiling loudspeaker and two surface mount models, the AC-S4T and AC-S6T. “Large distributed audio applications are often budget sensitive however, scale and economy does not have to imply poor system performance,” says Travis Nie, QSC Product Manager – Install Loudspeakers. “Designed to provide exceptional value as stand-alone products, both AcousticDesign and  AcousticCoverage loudspeakers exceed expectations when QSC Intrinsic Correction™ tunings are automatically applied whenever Q-SYS™ processors or…

  • February 18, 2015



    Costa Mesa, CA NL (February 10, 2015) - QSC is pleased to unveil the new CIAES16 input card as well as, a number of enhancements and feature upgrades for the Q-SYS network audio platform. With the new CIAES16 16-channel AES3 input card and the availability of Q-SYS v4.1.31 software, Q-SYS users now have even more options and flexibility when designing and installing Q-SYS based network audio solutions.  “These new features combined with the availability of the CIAES16 AES3 input card which quickly and easily installs info the Q-SYS chassis are yet further examples of the futureproof capabilities of the Q-SYS network audio system,” says TJ Adams, QSC Install DSP Product Manager. “For the integrator, new hardware and software gives them additional tools to work with while their end customer can benefit from new features and functions at minimal if any additional…

  • February 16, 2015



    如今,所有集成商(和制造商)都希望为客户安装和提供支持的各种系统组件之间具备平台互操作性。新产品开发高级总监David Fuller表示:“行业内广泛存在的一种看法是,‘专有’系统不支持与其他协议和技术互操作。然而,情况并非如此。”QSC的Q-SYS™平台的设计遵循了流行的IT标准,并支持现成的非专有以太网交换机。其网络协议Q-LAN使用相同的第3层网络协议传输音频,这是一种全球的IT专业人士都熟悉的网络协议,并支持所有其他基于TCP/IP联网的系统。此外,它还提供对整个生态系统的发现、监控、实时诊断和控制功能......

  • January 27, 2015


    Joe Pham被任命为InfoComm International董事会成员

    Costa Mesa, CA (January 27, 2015) - QSC is proud to announce that QSC President and CEO, Joe Pham has been appointed to the InfoComm International Board of Directors.  Joe joins the panel of audiovisual industry executives who contribute their knowledge and expertise to set strategic goals and guide the overall direction of InfoComm International.  In addition to his InfoComm Board appointment, Joe was also recently appointed President of PAMA (the Professional Audio Manufacturers Alliance). “I am honored to have been appointed to both the InfoComm Board as well as, the Presidency of PAMA and to have the opportunity to collaborate with such a dynamic group of industry professionals,” says Joe. “With respect to InfoComm, I am looking forward to working with my fellow board members to better serve our member organizations and promote the industry as our respective…

  • January 22, 2015



    Winter NAMM 2015, Anaheim, CA (January 22, 2015) – QSC (Booth 6752, Hall A) is pleased to announce the appointment of Polisi “Fitz” Fitisemanu to the position of Sales Manager, QSC Professional for the company’s Asia-Pacific Region. A 25 year professional audio veteran, Fitisemanu has worked at the retail, distribution, rental and installation levels and founded United Sound Agencies (USA) where he promoted American made professional audio systems to dealers and users in New Zealand and the South Pacific region. “When the opportunity arose to be a candidate for the Asia-Pacific Sales Manager position with QSC, it was a ’no brainer’ for me, that is to say there was no way I was going to turn down the chance to work for such an amazing company,” states Fitisemanu. “I have long admired QSC and have been a QSC user for most of my professional career. I am thrilled and…

  • January 8, 2015


    South Point酒店将Q-SYS网络扩展到整个度假村

    Costa Mesa, CA (January 8, 2015) — South Point Hotel, Casino and Spa, located south of McCarran Airport on the Las Vegas Strip, recently completed their new bowling facility specifically designed for professional bowling tournaments and competitions. The new facility is part of a larger project that also includes two new equestrian arenas located below the bowling center that serve as overflow for their existing main Arena and Equestrian Center and direct access to 1,200 air-conditioned horse stalls. South Point chose Q-SYS™, QSC amplifiers and loudspeakers for their new addition based on their previous experience with QSC products and the ability to integrate all the audio systems across the entire property.  “This is a fairly large facility and we have a lot of different kinds of events that come through throughout the year,” Jason Lein, South Point’s production…