December 29, 2014
在QSC Cinema最近发布的新视频中,QSC高级副总裁兼首席战略官Barry Ferrell介绍了并演示了全新DPA/DPA-Q功放平台的功率输出能力。Barry说:“随着沉浸式音频技术的出现和对大功率环绕扬声器需求的增加,我们已经发现了很多‘过度配置’的情况,即功放的规格超出了大多数常见影院应用的需要。造成这种情况的部分原因是人们对功放性能和规格的误区。”本视频简要介绍了QSC的全新D类功放平台。该平台用于DPA/DPA-Q影院功放以及CXD/CXD-Q和PLD系列专业音频功放。得益于该平台的直流高电压轨和可调节电源,与传统的线性功放相比,这些功放能够......
December 12, 2014
QSC Named 2014 Top Workplace in Orange County
Costa Mesa, CA (December 11, 2014) – QSC Audio Products, LLC has been named a 2014 Top Workplace, according to the local daily newspaper, The Orange County Register. The company has earned this distinction in four of the last five years and ranks at the top of mid-sized manufacturers in the region. Employees of select Orange County based businesses were asked to anonymously respond to 22 statements regarding their workplace experiences and company leadership. Using information and assessments provided directly by personnel from participating companies, the employee survey firm Workplace Dynamics evaluated employee opinions and feedback and rendered results on overall organizational health, employee perceptions and employee-employer relations. "Our employees are a remarkable group of people," says QSC CEO Joe Pham. "The talent across the entire company is top-notch and…
November 17, 2014
QSC CXD-Q功放荣获产品创新奖
Costa Mesa, CA (November 17, 2015 - QSC is pleased to announce their CXD-Q Network Amplifiers for the Q-SYS™ platform have been chosen by the readers of Sound & Video Contractor as one of 2014’s most innovative products for installed sound applications. Designed for integrators implementing Q-SYS Network Audio systems, CXD-Q Network Amplifiers feature the innovative Flexible Amplifier Summing Technology™ (FAST) found in CXD / PLD Amplifiers and combine it with Q-SYS network connectivity to create the ultimate audio routing and power amplifier solution for installed sound applications. “We are delighted that the readers of Sound & Video Contractor have recognized CXD-Q Amplifiers as an innovative network audio tool that they want to design systems with and recommend to their customers,” states Dale Sandberg, QSC Senior Product Manager, Power Amplifiers. “This award…
November 14, 2014
Costa Mesa, CA (November 14, 2015) - QSC is pleased to announce the addition of GXD Series Processing Amplifiers to their line of amplifiers for entertainment and production applications. GXD Series Amplifiers offer world renowned QSC power, performance and reliability coupled with the convenience of onboard digital signal processing. Featuring contemporary styling, multiple routing options and advanced protection circuitry, GXD Series Amplifiers represent best in class value with features entertainers and audio professionals can use. Housed in a 2U rack-mount configuration, GXD Series amplifiers feature class-D power devices for high power output in a lightweight chassis design. Unlike other amplifiers in their class, GXD models offer complete loudspeaker processing capability enabling users to optimize and get the most from their loudspeaker systems. DSP…
November 13, 2014
Costa Mesa, CA (November 14, 2014) - QSC is pleased to announce its Systems’ Roadshow will be making stops across the US, including dates in Atlanta, Dallas, Washington D.C, New York and Chicago, offering participants the opportunity to see and hear the company’s latest technologies and meet QSC personnel. In addition to the product presentations and a “meet and greet” session, the QSC Training and Education will be hosting two free Q-SYS™ Level Two Training sessions with all eligible participants eligible to receive eight credits towards their InfoComm CTS RU requirements. “The QSC Roadshow is great way for integrators to learn first-hand about QSC’s newest integrated solutions and for certified Q-SYS designers to receive additional training and improve their Q-SYS™ knowledge and skills,” states Joe Pham, QSC President and CEO. “It’s also an invaluable…
October 30, 2014
Trinity Sound Company通过Q-SYS打造未来产品
Costa Mesa, CA (October 29, 2014) - Building for the future is a trademark of Southern California-based Trinity Sound Company and when it comes to larger scale audio installations, Trinity Sound Company’s go to network audio solution is the QSC Q-SYS™ network audio platform. Two recent Trinity Sound Company installations that utilize Q-SYS are found at Vineyard Church of Anaheim Hills and Yucaipa Christian Church which have both benefitted from using Q-SYS as their sound system’s foundation. In both cases, system owners cited the Q-SYS’ ability to grow as the needs of the congregation grow and centralized control as key requirements. “As a company, we have been incorporating Q-SYS into many of our designs because of the Q-sys’ powerful processing capabilities and flexible options,” says Devin Devore at Trinity Sound Company. “With predictable and consistent…
October 15, 2014
技术通讯开发者Bob Lee荣获AES终身成就奖
Costa Mesa, CA, (October 15, 2014) – QSC is proud to announce that Bob Lee, QSC Technical Communications Developer and a respected industry veteran, was honored at the 137th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society with the prestigious AES Fellowship Award. The Fellowship Award is given to an AES member who has rendered conspicuous service, or is recognized to have made a valuable contribution to the advancement in or dissemination of knowledge of audio engineering or in the promotion of its application in practice. “I am honored to be recognized and humbled to be included with such a prestigious group of audio professionals,” says, Bob Lee AES Fellowship Award winner and QSC Technical Communications Developer. “My work with AES is fueled by my passion for audio and my desire to help advance and promote audio education, and I appreciate the acknowledgement by…
October 9, 2014
Q-SYS™网络音频平台在Knott’s Berry Farm的年度Knott’s Scary Farm活动中发挥了重要作用
Buena Park, CA, (October 9, 2014) - For over 40 years, Knott’s Scary Farm has provided guests with the largest and most haunted theme park experience via their annual Scary Farm event. For this year’s celebration, Knott’s is using dual redundant Q-SYS Core 500i processors to manage sound effect prompts and audio distribution needs in five of the park’s themed walk-through mazes. The use of technology and audio has always played an important role in creating and enhancing any entertainment experience helping guest get closer to the action and Halloween Haunt is prime example. “One of our goals with our Knott’s Scary Farm haunted attractions is to transform our guests from simply being observers to becoming interactive participants in the experience,” says Lawrence McCoy, Audio Specialist, Entertainment Design, Knott’s Berry Farm. “With Q-SYS we have the precision…
October 1, 2014
Costa Mesa, CA - (September 29, 2014) – Following the company’s recent restructuring into global, channel-specific business units, Costa Mesa, CA based QSC Audio Products LLC is announcing a realignment of its distribution in The UK and Germany, effective November 1, 2014. The company’s Systems business unit, serving the integrated systems channel, will continue to be represented by Shure Distribution, the QSC distributor for all the company’s Pro and Systems products in the UK and Germany since 1992 and 2007 respectively. “Shure’s capability to support our rapidly-expanding Integrated Systems technology in the region is unparalleled. Their complementary product portfolio, combined with their technical knowledge, vast experience, and highly developed sales and marketing functions make them an ideal partner to deliver compelling QSC System solutions to customers in…
September 8, 2014
Peter E. Schmitt公司委托QSC作为纽约地铁项目的销售代表
Costa Mesa, CA (September 8, 2014) – QSC Audio Products, LLC, is pleased to announce the appointment of the Peter E. Schmitt Company as its manufacturer’s representative for Metro New York. Peter E Schmitt is one of the oldest and most respected independent rep firms in the country with its roots dating back nearly 90 years. “I am excited to have Peter E. Schmitt join the QSC team as our independent sales representatives for the New York Metro area,” says Perry Celia, QSC Director of North American Sales. “Their extensive knowledge and deep connections within the New York market, combined with their commitment to customer service and outstanding technical knowledge will be a great asset in the continued success of the QSC brand.” Founded in 1926 by F. Edwin Schmitt, the company’s first line was Sangamo capacitors, currently known as Cornell Dubilier, which served…
September 3, 2014
自1973年以来,挪威国际电影节每年8月在挪威海于格松举办。电影节为期10天,观众有机会观看来自24个国家的70多部影片。海于格松挪威国际电影节被称为北欧的戛纳电影节。大部分电影在Edda Kino放映,该影院有五个放映厅。其中四个放映厅安装了QSC影院产品,包括DCP 100和DCP 300数字影院处理器和DCS扬声器。最大的放映厅Edda 1,可以容纳529人,也是很多重要节目的首映地。Edda 1配备了三个SC-4344分频银幕声道系统、三个SB-7218双18英寸低音炮和24个SR系列环绕扬声器。所有扬声器均由DCA功放驱动,包括…
August 19, 2014
QSC专门设计了一款适用于iOS平板电脑的交互式应用,其中包含全系专业产品和系统产品图册。这款应用可以在Apple iTunes商店免费下载。浏览QSC专业产品和系统产品系列的主要功能、基本产品规格和高分辨率图像。该应用还提供了所有产品介绍和演示视频,以及可下载的PDF规格表(需要联网才能下载)。简单的控制和内置应用教程,可以帮助您轻松找到需要的信息。该应用将随着新QSC产品的发布而更新,以确保用户始终了解最新的QSC产品信息。(确保您的“iTunes & App Store”自动下载设置中的“更新”已开启。)点击此处,在Apple App Store网站中查看更多信息......
August 13, 2014
New York, NY (Aug 12, 2014) – Nevada Smith’s, a Manhattan mecca for fans of European soccer, contracted design-install firm AV/NY to install a high-tech, audio-visual system for its relocation to 100 Third Avenue, just a block north of its former 20-year home. The new multi-million-dollar megapub features QSC K Series active loudspeakers and AcousticDesign in-ceiling loudspeakers driven by RMXa Series amplifiers throughout, delivering larger-than-life audio quality experience to match the two massive projection screens and numerous flat-screen HD displays installed throughout the venue. “It was important for us to design a system that made Nevada Smith’s fans feel like they were right in the football stadium,” says Daryl Kral, a former Broadway sound engineer and owner of AV/NY. “During our initial meetings it was evident that Nevada Smith’s wanted to go big,…
August 8, 2014
PLD/ CXD固件发布
我们不断致力于研发工作,并发布了新固件版本V1.4.5。现在可以从QSC网站下载,也可以使用免费的Amplifier Navigator软件通过USB进行安装:(http://www.qsc.com/resources/software/amplifier-navigator/)。CXD/PLD以其多功能性、强大功能和卓越的音质赢得了全球用户的好评。现在,我们要进一步发展该平台,并进行了多项改进: 全新Intrinsic Correction™(本征校正)扬声器调谐(AD-S6T、AD-S12sw、AC-C4T) 更新并增强了Intrinsic Correction™(本征校正)扬声器调谐(Wideline、ILA)针对Martin Audio产品推出了新的扬声器调谐功能。支持的第三方品牌现在包括:B52、Cerwin Vega、Classic Pro、EV、JBL、Martin Audio、Nexo、Peavey和Yamaha(注意:所有......
July 17, 2014
QSC任命Barry Ferrell为高级副总裁兼首席战略官
QSC Audio Products, LLC., is proud to announce the promotion of Barry Ferrell to the position of Senior Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer. Barry Ferrell began his career at the company in 1990 as an Applications Engineer and was the first technical hire at the company in the sales and marketing department. In 2009, Barry assumed the leadership role of the Cinema Group at QSC, and was promoted to Vice President of Cinema in October 2012. Under Barry's leadership, QSC has become a leader in the global cinema market. Over his 23-year career at QSC, Barry has served as the product manager for every cinema product developed at QSC, including DCA amplifiers, DCM crossover/monitors, DCS loudspeakers, and the DCP line of Digital Cinema Processors. In addition, Barry has had significant input in the development of other major products in the Installation markets. …
July 14, 2014
在福赛大学QSC Meyer Marketing音响展览会上,我们召开了扬声器技术和创新研讨会,研讨会视频如下。 https://youtu.be/bHTAAcZPyzk
July 11, 2014
在福赛大学举办的QSC Meyer Marketing音响展览会上,我们举办了高级功放技术研讨会,重点介绍了PLD/CXD/CXD-Q处理功放。以下是研讨会的链接。https://youtu.be/wyK0JbkfzaU 如欲了解更多信息,请点击下面的链接: PLD系列处理功放CXD系列处理功放CXD-Q系列处理功放
July 2, 2014
QSC Wins Industry Awards at Infocomm 2014
Las Vegas, NV (June 27, 2014)--QSC Audio Products, LLC., is pleased to announced that it has received two Best of Show Awards, recognizing the most innovative new products shown at the Infocomm 2014 show. The new QSC CXD-Q Power Amplifiers and the new Q-SYS™ Enterprise Cores were award winners from among hundreds of products on display at Infocomm 2014, by Sound and Video Contractor and A/V Technology Magazines, respectively. "With thousands of new product introductions at InfoComm 2014, more than 37,000 attendees, 218 new exhibitors, nearly 200 award nominations, our 'Best in Show' Awards help spotlight best-in-class innovations," said Margot Douaihy, editor, AV Technology & EDUwire. "We congratulate the winners and their commitment to the needs of tech managers and end-users." All NewBay Media’s Best of Show Awards were judged by a panel of AV/IT technology…
June 26, 2014
金奈租赁公司选择QSC WideLine-10系统
Chennai, India, June 2014 — AV Express, an audio-visual equipment hire company based in Chennai in India, recently added a QSC WideLine-10 system to their sound reinforcement inventory comprised of 16 three-way WL2102-w modules with six GP218-sw subwoofers. For a decade, AV Express on India's East coast, has been one of the city's premier audio-visual events hire companies, handling audio, video and lighting for everything from live bands and DJ sets to corporate shows. "When we were looking for a new system to upgrade our existing audio inventory, we would not compromise," comments Mr Murugesh, one of AV Express's principal partners. "We had a lot to choose from, but only the QSC WideLine system matched our parameters of quality and performance. Plus, QSC’s representative, Pro Visual Audio, walked us through the entire operation and workflow of the system during our…
June 18, 2014
INFOCOMM 2014, LAS VEGAS (June 18, 2014) — Designed specifically for use with the Q-SYS Network Audio Platform, QSC will be showcasing their new CXD-Q Network Amplifier line. CXD-Q models combine the Flexible Amplifier Summing Technology™ (FAST) found in the CXD/PLD amplifier platform with the same Q-SYS network connectivity and processing to create the ultimate audio routing and power solution for installed sound applications. “CXD-Q represents our ongoing commitment to create installed sound solutions that are incredibly versatile and integrate seamlessly with Q-SYS," says Dale Sandberg, QSC Senior Product Manager. “As Q-SYS products, they operate like other Q-SYS peripherals utilizing the same standard Layer 3 networking technology for audio streaming, control, and monitoring. As amplifiers, they feature our new Flexible Amplifier Summing Technology™ (FAST) that…