April 24, 2013
Paul Brink加入QSC
QSC Audio Products宣布Paul Brink加入公司,担任影院产品销售工程师。Paul将负责提供产品培训、技术和销售支持,帮助QSC影院经销商更好地销售产品,并帮助最终用户(剧院、电影院、工作室等)更好地使用我们的产品。Paul在电影后期制作业务方面拥有丰富的背景。Paul曾在Lucasfilm, Ltd.工作多年,担任THX Digital Mastering项目的系统工程师。他曾在《星战1》中负责数字影院版本的电视电影放映、质量保证和影院设置工作。在加入QSC之前,Paul曾在加利福尼亚州世纪城的20世纪福斯电影公司担任重新录制工程师/声音剪辑师,负责用于DSP、蓝光、数字交付和归档的最终数字音频文件。Brink拥有…
April 7, 2013
QSC Cinema在拉斯维加斯街道上亮相
This 40-foot mobile billboard, provided by ionRepublic, will be on the streets of Las Vegas around Caesar’s Palace, site of the upcoming CinemaCon 2013 during the week of April 15 through April 18. The bus is helping to promote QSC Cinema Audio Solutions, as well as several of the new products to be displayed in the QSC Cinema Audio Solutions booth during the show. If you’re planning to attend CinemaCon 2013, visit the QSC booth 613F
March 28, 2013
加利福尼亚州科斯塔梅萨(2013年3月28日)— QSC Audio Products, LLC宣布推出DCPNet。这是一款功能强大的软件应用,能够基于网络全面监控多个QSC数字影院处理器和DCA功放。这些处理器和DCA功放可以在屏幕上分别显示,也可以在一个屏幕上同时显示。DCPNet支持从影院、办公室或任何其他联网的位置监控和调整影院甚至整个影院的大部分DCP处理器设置。除了控制音量、静音和音频预设外,DCPNet还允许用户打开和关闭QSC DCA影院功放,监听功放工作状况,如温度和阻抗负载。控制预设允许使用DCP数字影院处理器和DXP数字扩展处理器中的继电器来控制外接…...
February 26, 2013
Donetsk, Ukraine, Europe (February 26, 2013) – The Victoria Hotel Conference Center is the finest venue in Donetsk, capital of the Donets Basin region of the Ukraine. It is also situated very close to the Donbass Arena, home of local soccer heroes (and 2009 UEFA Cup winners) FC Shakhtar Donetsk (FCSD), and one of the venues for last year's Euro 2012 tournament. In preparation for Euro 2012, which saw a sizeable portion of the UEFA delegation staying at the Victoria, the hotel was thoroughly refurbished and all of its audio systems were renewed throughout. Odessa-based installer Real Music, who are also the QSC distributor for Ukraine, were responsible for installing all of the PA/VA speakers and systems. A QSC ILA line array comprising 16 WL2082-i elements (eight left, eight right) and four WL118-sw subwoofers was used in the main conference hall at the Victoria,…
February 19, 2013
Copenhagen, Denmark, Europe (Feb 19, 2013) – The award-winning Bella Sky Comwell hotel in the Danish capital Copenhagen chose the Q-Sys™ integrated platform from QSC to route and manage much of its extensive audio infrastructure, from background music to conference audio. The instantly recognisable hotel, with its dual 'leaning towers' design, was built in late 2011 as part of the Bella Center Conference venue on Amager, the island off Copenhagen where the city's main airport and the Danish access to the international bridge and tunnel across the Øresund (Gravel Sound) to Sweden are situated. Since opening it has won several accolades, including an International Hotel Award for Best Architecture in Europe for its unique 'twisted pair' of towers, which are designed to ensure more guests obtain an uninterrupted view of of the capital in one direction, or the impressive…
February 13, 2013
艾奥瓦城高中新的表演艺术翼楼落成,采用Q-Sys™ Cores 250i控制的音响系统
Iowa City, IA (February 2013) — City High School in Iowa City, IA, recently opened a new performing arts wing that features Q-Sys™ Core 250i integrated cores in music rehearsal rooms with QSC GX5 power amplifiers powering the installed loudspeakers. The new wing built at a cost of over $6 million is designed to accommodate rehearsal rooms for the band, orchestra and choir and the more than 500 students in the school’s music and performing arts programs. In addition to the rehearsal rooms, the facility hosts a suite of smaller practice spaces, classrooms and other support amenities. Douglass Communications of Ottumwa, IA, provided design and integration services for the installed sound systems. “We wanted a solution that would enable us to control everything off of an iPad,” explains Matthew Bresch, senior technician and systems designer at Douglass Communications. “So…
January 8, 2013
Costa Mesa, CA (January 8, 2013) – QSC Audio Products is proud to announce the launch of the AcousticPerformance™ line of professional, two-way, full-range loudspeakers, ideal for a variety of installed sound reinforcement applications which require higher SPL and a stylish enclosure. All models feature a 3-inch voice coil, high power-capacity compression driver combined with high-output woofers to deliver exceptional full bandwidth reproduction. “In keeping with QSC’s loudspeaker design philosophy, all AcousticPerformance loudspeakers feature Directivity Matched Transition™ (DMT) which matches the compression driver to the natural coverage angle of the woofer in the cross-over region”, states Phil Sanchez, QSC Loudspeaker Product Manager. “When combined with their axisymmetric waveguides, AcousticPerformance loudspeakers deliver a flat power response with smooth and…
December 17, 2012
Brea Community Center采用全新Q-Sys™ Core 250i处理器升级音响系统
Brea, CA (December 17, 2012) — Trinity Sound Company (TSC) recently completed an upgrade to the in-house music playback and paging system at Brea Community Center that included a QSC Q-Sys™ Core 250i processor and two additional CX Series multichannel amplifiers. The community center, located adjacent to the Brea Civic and Cultural Center in the heart of the city, which is located about 25 miles southeast of downtown Los Angeles, offers facilities for business and community meetings, youth and adult education, and health and fitness activities. This was one of the very first installations of the lower cost Q-Sys Core 250i, notes Devin DeVore, president and owner of TSC, an Ontario, CA-based company that offers live and installed sound production services as well as studio and remote recording. “The accessible price point of the new cores opens up Q-Sys to a host of…
December 1, 2012
QSC Audio Products被评为奥兰治县十佳工作场所之一
Costa Mesa, CA (December, 2012) – QSC Audio Products has been named one of the Top Orange County Workplaces for the third year in a row, according to the daily newspaper, The Orange County Register. The responses were based upon anonymous survey results from almost 20,000 employees from various companies surveyed throughout the region. For the survey, employees were asked to respond anonymously to 20 statements about their workplace experience and the leadership at their company. The company rankings were then independently calculated by survey firm WorkplaceDynamics based upon the employees responses to these statements – so the results are truly based on employee feedback. 15 large companies, 25 midsize companies, and 50 small workplaces made the list of the Top O.C. Workplaces 2012, with QSC ranking as #7 among mid-sized companies. "QSC is a place where people are…
November 4, 2012
Amherst, MA (Nov 4, 2012) — Located on the campus of the University of Massachusetts, the largest public university in New England, the 10,500-seat William D. Mullins Memorial Center arena unveiled the replacement for its 20-year-old installed PA system in mid-October. The new system includes a QSC Audio ILA System comprising seventy-two WL2082-i line array elements and twelve WL118-sw subwoofers driven by twenty-two PowerLight™ 3 Series PL340 amplifiers, all under the control of two Q-Sys™ Core 250i units with a Q-Sys I/O Frame. The Mullins Center — which is managed by Global Spectrum, a private venue management firm that oversees more than 100 venues worldwide — is home to UMass Amherst’s Minutemen basketball and ice hockey and Minutewomen basketball teams. The arena also hosts concerts and other events, as well as productions by a variety of UMass departments. The…
November 1, 2012
Jena, Germany (November 2012) – CX Series amplifiers and AD-S loudspeakers from QSC have helped to revolutionise the sound systems at Germany's oldest planetarium, creating an aural experience that is literally out of this world. The Zeiss Planetarium in Jena, eastern Germany, opened in 1926 and is the oldest such building to have remained in continuous service since that time. The projection dome stands 14.5 metres high and has a diameter of 23 metres, resulting in an impressive projection surface of around 800 square metres. In 2006, the outmoded projection system was replaced by a full-dome video projection system, which was brought into full operation during the last lengthy phase of reconstruction in autumn 2011 with the addition of eight digitally controlled video projectors. To perfect the visitor experience, the planetarium's owners decided to make the aural…
October 18, 2012
大西洋城造价24亿美元的新建Reval赌场度假村采用QSC AcousticDesign扬声器
Atlantic City, NJ (Oct 18, 2012) — Montreal-based Scéno Plus, renowned for its theatre design work in Las Vegas, Canada, and around the world, recently completed a major, multi-venue project at Revel, the new $2.4 billion casino-resort at the north end of Atlantic City’s famed boardwalk. Scéno Plus was the lead designer for all of the entertainment spaces at the Revel, including the Revelry casino floor, where the company designed, specified and optimized nearly 570 QSC Audio Products AcousticDesign Series ceiling- and surface-mount loudspeakers. Scéno Plus was responsible for the design of two large, multipurpose, transformable venues, several bars and various interconnecting spaces at Revel. The resort, which fronts onto the beach, covers 20 acres and, at 47 stories, is the tallest building in Atlantic City. In a break with traditional casino design, Revelry’s…
September 6, 2012
Pomona, CA, (Sept 6, 2012) -- The QSC Q-Sys™ Integrated System Platform is at the heart of the networked audio-visual facilities at the new $28 million Sheraton Fairplex Conference Center, an 85,000-sq.-ft. addition to the Fairplex Exposition Complex in Pomona, CA. The 487-acre Fairplex site has been home to the L. A. County Fair – the largest county fair in the world – since 1922, and also encompasses the Fairplex Park horse racing track, Auto Club Raceway drag strip and more than 300,000 sq. ft. of indoor exhibition and conference facilities. CSI MultiMedia (Campbell-Shaw, Inc.) of Woodland Hills, CA, designed and integrated the new Q-Sys system, which comprises a Core 4000 with 256 x 256 I/O capability plus eleven I/O Frames outfitted with CIML4-HP high-performance mic/line I/O Cards. The system additionally includes 30 QSC Audio PowerLight™ 3 Series PL340 (2 x…
July 24, 2012
密苏里州杰克逊县利用耐候型QSC WideLine™-8线阵扬声器系统提升乐队表现
密苏里州杰克逊县(2012年7月24日) – 密苏里州杰克逊县乐队会在夏季的每周四晚上举办免费音乐会, 并且会在重要的社区活动中演出,例如阵中将士纪念日、独立日和返校节。为了确保乐队在第93个演出季能呈现更好的音效,当地系统集成商Unity Pro Audio and Video升级了城市公园杰克逊县露天音乐台的演出设施,安装了六个机箱的QSC Audio WL3082-wx耐候型WideLine-8线性阵列扬声器系统。该系统由三个PowerLight™ 3系列功放驱动。自1976年以来,杰克逊县乐队每年都会举办演出。演出场地位于绿树成趣的露天剧场,但在此之前还没有专门设计的公共广播系统。“他们使用傻瓜式扬声器......
July 9, 2012
Xinjiang, China (July 9, 2012) -- The Q-Sys™ Integrated System Platform has been chosen as the backbone of the audio and control systems at the Xinjiang International Expo Centre, the main regional conference and exhibition centre in northwest China. Comprising two Core 1000 Q-Sys processors, together with WideLine Series and ILA Series line array loudspeaker systems, K Series loudspeakers as well as multiple PowerLight3 amplifiers, the complete QSC solution was designed by PCI and installed in over 20 conference rooms at the centre. The system was completed and made operational in time for the first China-Eurasia Economic Development & Cooperation Forum, recently held in the Xinjiang capital Ürümqi. Bordering Russia and several Central Asian states, Xinjiang is often regarded as a bridge from China to the rest of Asia and Europe, making it the perfect location for…
July 1, 2012
Moon Over Montana为Red Ants Pants Festival采用QSC WideLine系统
White Sulphur Springs, MT (July 2012) --For the second consecutive year, the Red Ants Pants Festival, a three day event featuring food, arts, crafts and music, took place at the end of July with a crowd of more than 8,000 in a grassy pasture in rural White Sulphur Springs, Montana. The weekend concert performances featured an eclectic mix of celebrated artists including Emmy Lou Harris and the Red Dirt Boys, Mary Chapin Carpenter and Taj Mahal. Moon Over Montana, the local sound and lighting company who handled the event, utilized a QSC WideLine-10 Line Array Loudspeaker System and QSC PowerLight ™ 2 Amplifiers. “The Red Ants Pants Festival is challenging -- the artists are particular about the sound and the weather in Montana is beautiful but wild – it can be sunny one minute and lightning the next, “ says Jerry Mullen, owner of Moon Over Montana. “We are constantly…
July 1, 2012
Offenbach, Germany (July 2012) – Founded in 1901, the soccer team Offenbach Kickers is renowned throughout Germany for its fiercely dedicated legions of fans who have supported the club through its many ups and downs. Now the Kickers, based in western Germany near Frankfurt, have a new home — a futuristic, 25-million Euro stadium sponsored by the local Sparda Bank in their native German state of Hesse. The stadium houses a QSC Q-Sys™ integrated system that controls, routes and processes all of the audio feeds and systems in the new ground. With four weatherproof, covered spectator stands in the style of recently constructed English stadiums, capacity for over twenty thousand spectators, 10 VIP boxes, a special reception area for business club members and various fashionable retail outlets, the state-of-the-art new Sparda Bank Stadium has now been completed in time for…
July 1, 2012
Lanzhou, Gansu Province, China (July 2012) – Q-Sys™, the integrated system platform from QSC Audio Products, is playing a controlling role at a recently built, 50-million-dollar theatre in Western China, an impressively modern symbol of the new economy in the Far East. The striking new Grand Theatre in Lanzhou, capital of the province of Gansu in Western China, opened in late 2011, a excitingly modern building of rounded corners and flowing, curved glass constructed at an approximate cost of 350 million RMB (over $50 million US). With a large-scale 1500-seat auditorium, a 300-seat hall and a press conference chamber of 150 seats, plus 20 smaller meeting rooms, the 7-storey state-of-the-art theatre was envisaged as a multi-disciplinary building with the ability to host conventions and events as well as drama and concerts. Designed according to the guiding principles of…
June 1, 2012
Frankfurt am Main, Germany (June 2012) – Following a comprehensive refit, the German Museum of Film has installed the Q-Sys™ Integrated System platform to manage and route all of the audio sources under its roof, together with K Series active loudspeakers to handle playback in its new demonstration and seminar rooms. The Museum of Film opened in 1984 in Frankfurt am Main and has always been more than a traditional, educational film museum. With its rolling programme of exhibitions, cinema presentations and retrospectives, it has sought to give visitors an insight into all of the manifold historical, aesthetic and technical aspects of film as an artistic medium. Last August saw the completion of an 18-month renovation project at the Museum of Film. The totally refurbished building, with its striking architecture and its new permanent exhibition facilities, has been…
June 1, 2012
QSC帮助Cedar Point Amusement Park满足未来需求
Sandusky, OH (June 2012) –Cedar Point amusement park/resort, which has been voted as the “Best Amusement Park in the World,” for a record 14 consecutive years, has upgraded the audio system on its legendary main midway with the Q-Sys™ Integrated System Platform, more than 30 PowerLight™ 3 Series amplifiers and WideLine™ Line Array loudspeakers. The QSC equipment provides distributed PA along the park’s midway as well as sound reinforcement for a brand new 70-feet-wide outdoor performance stage on Celebration Plaza, home to the new high energy Luminosity: Ignite the Night show, which features dancers, drummers, DJs and circus performers, plus a spectacular display of lasers, lights and fireworks. Luminosity, Powered by Pepsi, officially opens on Friday June 8th at Cedar Point, a 364-acre park located on a peninsula jutting into Lake Erie. Luminosity begins around 9:15…